Taylor Products Model APV (2013) Prater Sifter, Eriez Bar Magnets, Dust Shroud

Taylor Products Model APV (2013) Prater Sifter, Eriez Bar Magnets, Dust Shroud

$14,500 (USD)

orCall +1 770-271-7650


(Bag Filler)  Taylor Products Model APV (2013) Prater Sifter, Eriez Bar Magnets, Rice Lake Digital Read Out, Pre-Inflator Tube, Dust Shroud #247 PLEASE REVIEW: We would ask that potential buyers please view all of the photographs carefully, and understand what you are buying. All questions should be submitted prior to close of sale. *Your purchase includes a 30 day warranty.* We cannot negotiate price or terms after the sale. Payment is expected within 24 hours please. We appreciate your consideration! (js - suw yrd) 40” x 72” x 83”, 1850

