Lytzen C/1300 S/S Single Door Dry Heat Sterilizer

Lytzen C/1300 S/S Single Door Dry Heat Sterilizer

$27,500 (USD)

Available quantity:2

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These ovens were installed, but never used. Lytzen model C/1300 S/S single door Dry Heat Sterilizer Lytzen model C/1300 S/S single door Dry Heat Sterilizer Designed for dehyrogenation applications in clean room areas made of AISI 304 stainless steel with 180 grit polish with LYTCON 2 (Alen Bradley SLC) PLC control system. These dry heat sterilizers are suitable for glass and metals such as ampoules, injection bottles & lab glassware, as well as equipment like stainless steel tanks & vessels. Both liquids and powders work well. Chamber dimensions 700 mm W x 810 mm D x 1300 mm H Exterior dimensions 1865 mm W x 1110 mm D x 2655 mm H Electric heating effect Totally 18 kW Heating time to 250 C Approximately 20 minutes Cooling time from 250 C - 60 C Approximately 95 minutes Capacity 1 ml ampoules 40,000 Capacity 10 ml injection bottles 8,600 Capacity 500 ml infusion bottles 400 Serial Number: Internal Chamber Dimenions - 27.56"w x 51.2"h x 31.9"d External Dimensions - 7.43"w in the front (50.8" in the back) x 84.8"h in the front (103.8" at the highest point in back, top of the exhaust) x 47.44"d They are single door units with Allen Bradley Controls (either SLC 5/04 or 5/05 model), a Chart Recorder (not sure of brand) and Ammeters on the front to monitor each leg of the 3-phase power.


ModelSU MN OVN 002
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